Sunday, October 7, 2012


Hi! I have a giant grin on my face because I am so excited for this next adventure!! This will be my chronicle of my journey to study abroad in Uganda, with God, my family and friends and those who come in and out of my life along the way.
Lets rewind just a bit back to March, when I first applied to this program expecting to hear back within a week. I was told that the decision would not be made until September (6 whole flipping months!!!) and I would have to wait (im)patiently till then. During this time, my doubt in God and my relationship with Him was a roller coaster. He however, is completely faithful...even when we are not. "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" Matthew 7:11. God revealed his abundant grace to me, and maybe for the first time did I understand it. I truly believe that God loves when we are joyful, just as we love to see the joy we can bring to others. I was accepted to study abroad in Uganda for the Spring 2013 semester, which starts January 3 (less than 3 months, craziness!).
I am so excited to be able to experience learning in Uganda. Doing volunteer and mission work is amazing, but to go in as a student, as an equal, is something that is extremely valuable. When we allow our hearts to be softened, God reveals to us the areas where we need to change, to grow, to become the person that He created us to be. 
I'll try to be as honest as possible here - it's easier on the internets, where the monitor protects me from the rest of the digital world. There are lot's of things that I need to work on in my life. Relationships are pretty darn close to numero uno. A recent study finds that I am highly "fearful-avoidant" in my relationships (Roomie, you were right!!!!! haha). I put up this facade that everything is ok when conflicts and not-so-ideal situations arise; and put people into categories based on how I view them and how I think they view me. Few people have broken through the invisible force field that has been strategically placed. I'm guessing that lots of other people do this as well, and it's comforting to know that I'm not alone (and neither are you fellow fearful-avoidant people!!). However, whether I decide to follow a life of humanitarian/social work or missions ministry, relationships are kind of a big deal. Being able to share my true self with others, while accepting and loving others' true selves is something that is vital to my dreams and goals. 
God makes each of us differently, apparently not many people dream of living in a third world country without running water and electricity. A friend and I were discussing this, the life that God has called her to is not appealing to me whatsoever and the life that I am called to does not appeal to her either! Go figure!!!  We each have different gifts and abilities that can be used to our greatest potential when we allow God to overcome our insecurities, our pride and arrogance, our fear. If we follow the "wild goose"(Wild Goose Chase - Read it.) wherever He leads, our lives will be fulfilling adventures, because all the glory goes to Him!
So this first post is a little all over the place because my head is pretty all over the place. I am so grateful to the wonderful people in my life that have helped me along the road thus far and look forward to sharing this next phase of my journey with you!

God Bless, 

PS: I think it would be a wonderful encouragement to myself and any other readers if you could share some ways that God has shown his grace to you and/or ways that you have overcome obstacles in your own journeys! Peace.