Tuesday, February 12, 2013

And we're back!

     My computer is dead…for good. But people have been wonderful, letting me and the other girl who lost her computer use theirs. And the USP office has given us a laptop to share while we are here. All in all, things could be much worse and I’m thankful they are not. The past week-ish has been tough, with school, some days of not feeling so hot, the flood. But God is good, and in this time he’s whispering that it’s not about me. We’re reading “Celebration of Discipline” for one of my classes and it’s so good! Foster says, in the chapter on submission that the disciplines are in pursuit of freedom, and he’s right. It’s hard, and I like getting my own way, but the times that I don’t aren’t usually as big of a deal as I think they are. It’s freeing not getting so upset when things don’t go according to our plans. (I’m still not at that point yet, so I’m encouraging myself as well)
     A lot of the time, I really want to come home, honestly. I would really like to be with my family and friends, doing the things I always do, when I want to do them. Often, I feel so dependent here, like a child. I have a curfew. I cannot go certain places and do certain things. I can only eat at specific times, and at my home stay I am even told when to bathe. I’m making it sound way worse than it actually is, because again…It’s really not as big of a deal as I think it is. I still do everything, just on a schedule that was not made by me. There are days and moments, though, when I get glimpses that I am here at this time for a reason. Mostly, those times come in meeting with people outside of school or my practicum. Sitting down and talking to people who have similar desires, locals and foreigners who want to help by learning first. A friend of my host family, Simon, said that if you can’t help the world by making one person smile, how will you help in any other way? I have learned of some organizations (including my practicum site www.chainfoundationuganda.org) started and run by local people who have the passion and desire to help their people: There are organizations in Kampala slums to bring awareness and development to future generations, my friends mom is going to school for gender studies for women's empowerment and rights,  this week I met someone involved in an agricultural organization that helps people use sustainable practices in all types of climates around the world. It's hearing about and seeing things like that which make me remember that God has me right here, right now. I would have missed the opportunities I'm having, had I stayed home or been somewhere else. 

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