Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Our God is AMAZING!

One of the lovely ladies here was given some bad news before we left to go on our rural home stays. Her brother had been in a car accident and was unresponsive. When we returned after ten days, there was no sign of improvement and the family was waiting one more day before deciding to take him off life support. Many of us gathered and prayed for this friend and her family and for the healing of her brother. When Monday came, there was a small sign of activity so the family decided to wait. Within the next 12 hours he went downhill. This morning, my friends family said that the doctors were now expecting him to make a full recovery, but they couldn't be sure when he would wake up. Tonight, while at dinner, my friend got a phone call from her brother, who was not only awake but coherent and able to have a conversation with his sister.

Another extremely brave and beautiful friend has recently gone through some really difficult things that dealt with her school's soccer team. Since then, she has no been able to play the sport that she loves. Today, she decided to  play 'football' with the Ugandan girls! Through doing so, God is liberating her of the past and giving her new hope and joy!

These people are some of the most beautiful and brave souls I know. Through them, God's healing power is shown. Sadly, I am ashamed to say that when my friend had gotten a phone call from her brother, I was surprised and convicted. We say that we pray with the faith that God can do anything, even bring people back from the point of death, but do we really believe it? I am awestruck, humbled and drawn to praise my God, who still works miracles!

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