Saturday, December 8, 2012

24 Days...

...24 days. Oh my goodness.
So much is running through my head on a constant basis at this point, and I'm even getting a bit fearful. I read somewhere, once upon a time, that the opposite of faith isn't doubt, but fear. That when we worry and are fearful we are not trusting God, but allowing the circumstances of life to overcome us. It's difficult to remember that however this trip turns out, whatever happens while I'm gone, God is in control and will take care of everything. Which kind of leads into something that I've been wrestling a lot with lately.
There are so many verses in the Bible that talk about God's provision for His people: Psalm 37:4, Matthew 6:25-34, 1 John 3:21-22, Matthew 7:7-11, Mark 11:24... These are great verses to give people hope that there is more to life than difficulty. However, I think our western minds have decided these verses to mean that "If I love Jesus or am a good person and pray for (insert want here), then God will give it to me." I think we are very mistaken. I don't believe that God will give us that really nifty gadget, I don't even think it means that God will give us the means to pay all our bills on time, or have money for new clothes, or a car that runs. God doesn't promise us comfort. Millions of people, many of whom love Jesus, are unsure if they will be able to eat that day, or provide food for their children. Many people don't have shoes, or underwear. The Bible says that God will provide, that we are much more valuable than the birds of the air and flowers of the field, and that He will take care of us. But I think the point we miss is that God will provide within the scope of His will. He will provide the resources we need to fulfill His purpose. God is not the genie in a lamp, existing to grant our wishes. Sometimes He provides above and beyond what we need, but sometimes He doesn't. I struggle with this a lot because here in America, we have so much stuff. We have so many distractions and things to make us comfortable, but there are so many people in the world living without. I also struggle with this because of the things I want. I want them to be in line with God's will, and while the things I want are not against God or sinful or bad by any means, I fear that if they are not exactly part of God's plan, He will not give them to me. We would be foolish to think that God gives us everything we want, but I also know that time after time He has been so gracious in blessing me with things (like this trip to Uganda!) and to constantly be afraid of not getting what I want is a lack faith. What I have come to realize, though, is that when our desire is to have a relationship with Christ and to grow closer to God and love Him above everything else, He always provides. We (I) need to remember that the most valuable thing is our relationship with God. Love God and love your neighbor, those are the greatest commands. When we desire and ask for the ability to do that, he will grant us our desire.
I am getting nervous as my departure date quickly approaches. Please pray that I would trust God in all things, and that my fears and personal wants would not get in the way of getting the most out of this experience. Please pray that I would be a good representative of Christ's love in all things. Thanks!


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