Saturday, December 29, 2012

Just puttin' it out there

I realize there may be some people reading this that are not Christians. I realize that some of the things I write about may seem abnormal or silly to some people. But, I also believe that God has a plan, a plan greater than each individual and that His glory and His purpose are above our own situations and circumstances. I believe that Christ paid the final sacrifice for each and every one of us, through His death and resurrection, to set us free and to bring us into a personal relationship with God.
Thus far, a lot of what I've been writing has been my own personal struggle with God's plan, and while that may change a little once I'm actually in Uganda keeping people updated on what's going on, this blog is about following the path that God has set before me. This blog is about my walk with Him. It's not going to be perfect, but I am "justified" through Christ. I'm going to fail (a lot) and I'm going to get back up and keep walking. I will try to be as real as possible, through the awesome times and through the times that totally suck. I am just another human, imperfect and pretty rotten most of the time, but hopefully I can allow God to work through me - in the process of packing, while I'm away and once I return.
To the people reading this: I am incredibly grateful for your love and support on this journey. I pray that you can see Christ through my shortcomings, and if nothing else that you will be exposed a world in need of love and care (and maybe get some cool pictures along the way).

Love you all,

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