Sunday, March 24, 2013

Follower of Christ

Staying the same is not an option. When we learn something, when our eyes are opened to a new aspect of life, of the world around us, it is impossible to go back to the way things were. Even if nothing changes as far as our actions, or lifestyle, 'knowing' does not allow for sameness. Yes, my experiences have given me a new outlook on poverty, social work, family, and education even. The list is probably quite extensive, actually. However, something that maybe I really didn't understand before coming here, is the fact that in following Christ, we are supposed to be following Christ. We sing in songs, and say that His life is our example, but if I'm honest, I probably don't actually live like it most of the time. Most of the time, I'm more consumed with my own life than with others. I care more about myself than I do about the people sitting right next to me. It's difficult being a college student also, this is a time when we have to take time to study, go to class, work, and shift focus from everything around us to our classes and to graduation, that light at the end of the tunnel. My dilemma is that God called us to be servants, submissive, loving, giving, sacrificial...all the time, not just after graduation or after we get that good-paying job or after our savings accounts are padded. Am I using the resources God has provided now? And if Christ wanted us to follow in his footsteps literally, are we justified in reading the Gospels about His life and going to church, then immediately go home to our comfy couches (which I miss very much) and turning on the TV while people in our towns struggle to make ends meet, are victims of domestic violence, dealing with addictions. Are we loving our enemies, the guy who cut us off on the parkway, the lady who didn't hold open the door, the murderer, the terrorist. For me, anyways, these are difficult things to think about because they mean self-examination. If I am found to be failing in these areas, a change must be made. If my heart is convicted and I don't make changes, am I really a follower of Christ? I know that this is basically a shorter version of the last post, but it's been eating away at my mind. It's easy to talk about these things here. But when I come home and faced with the reality of taking action, will I?
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind..." Rom 12:2a. Do I conform to the "American" way, the judgmental, individualistic, self-serving way? Or has Christ transformed my life in an evident way?

1 comment:

  1. Amanda! Wes Johnson just told gave me the link to your blog - God Bless you - we look forward to hearing more about your adventures! Wow, can you believe it has been almost 4 years since we went to El Savlador with JBC?
    ~Rick & Lee Ann Myers
